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Online Casinos & Gambling Guide

Casino Operators Want A Piece Of The Action

Added: June 6, 2016

The land based casino operators, that is. Actually this cry out is coming from the land based gambling sites in the state of Pennsylvania. You may recall hearing a story or two about what is going on in Pennsylvania with respect to online casino action. In case you have not, suffice to say that the Pennsylvania is hot debating the issue of legalizing online casino action throughout the state.

You can readily understand the thinking behind the savvy Pennsylvania legislators who have been keeping a close eye on what is going on in the neighboring state of New Jersey. As you probably know, the state of New Jersey has been making headline news over the last few years with the runaway success of the legalized online gambling site action. Despite early naysayers and a bit of a rocky start, the fact of the matter is that New Jersey has been at the forefront of legal online casinos and at this point in time can clearly be pointed to as a case study in how to go about this the right way.

So back to Pennsylvania and the hot debates back and forth from both sides of the aisle. Not surprisingly there are those that support legal online casino action and there are those that emphatically do not. Yet you might have noticed that all signs are pointing to the legalization of online gambling sites in Pennsylvania.

Seeing the proverbial writing on the wall so to speak, the land based casino operators want to make their collective voices heard in the legislature. Not surprisingly, if and when online casino action is authorized in Pennsylvania, the land based gambling sites want to make sure they get a piece of the action.

If you take a look at what is going on with these land based casinos, this makes perfect sense. You see, the existing land based casinos in Pennsylvania have been investing millions of dollars in new construction projects. Some savvy lobbyists representing these existing casinos are quick to point out the number of jobs these land based gambling sites represent. These lobbyists then go on to rather overtly suggest that these casinos should be the defacto leaders of legal online casino action. And truth be told, that makes perfect sense. After all, that is the online casino model that New Jersey followed.

Could this ‘me too’ grab by the existing casinos in Pennsylvania actually work to bring in legal online casino action? Stay tuned as this hot story continues to play out.